Latest News - Vishnu

Vishnu Statue - Antique Phnom Da Style Mounted Bronze Khmer Vishnu Head - 19cm/8"

What Does Vishnu Protect? The Divine Guardian in Art and Symbolism

Vishnu’s protective presence is woven into the fabric of Hindu belief, mythology, and artistic expression.

Whether as the preserver of cosmic order, the divine guardian of devotees, or the symbolic protector in art and architecture, Vishnu remains a powerful emblem of safeguarding grace.

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Vishnu - Antique Khmer Style Bronze Archer Vishnu Statue with Sharanga (Bow) - 50cm/20"

The Usage and Meaning of Bana/Shara ("Arrow") in Hinduism

The bana (shara) in Hinduism is far more than a physical weapon; it embodies...

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Vishnu - Antique Indonesian Style Majapahit Standing Bronze Vishnu Statue - 24cm/10"

The Origins and History of Vishnu in Hinduism

Vishnu’s history in Hinduism is one of evolution and expansion, from a Vedic deity...

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Varaha Statue - Antique Khmer Style Standing Bronze Varaha Boar Avatar of Vishnu - 62cm/25"

The Khadga (Sword) in Hinduism: Meaning and Symbolic Importance

The Khadga remains a timeless and dynamic symbol within Hinduism, resonating with themes of protection, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.

It is a reminder that true strength lies not only in physical power but in the clarity of the mind and the purity of intention.

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The Meaning and Importance of the Reclining Vishnu in Hinduism: A Symbol of Cosmic Balance

The Meaning and Importance of the Reclining Vishnu in Hinduism: A Symbol of Cosmic Balance

The reclining Vishnu is more than a captivating artistic motif; it is a profound symbol of the eternal truths that underpin Hindu philosophy.

Through its rich iconography and layered meanings, it offers a visual meditation on the mysteries of creation, the cycles of life, and the ultimate reality of divine preservation.

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Nandi and Shiva - Antique Javanese Style Majapahit Shiva and Nandi Statue - 40cm/16"

The Role of the Trisula (Trident) in Hinduism: Art, Symbolism, and Spiritual Meaning

The Trisula, or trident, is a powerful symbol in Hinduism, most commonly associated with Lord Shiva, the god of destruction and transformation.

Beyond its mythological narrative, the Trisula embodies profound symbolic meanings, including the balance of creation, preservation, and destruction, as well as the transcendence of ego and material attachments. 

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Antique Khmer Style Bronze Bayon Hindu God Hanuman Statue - 43cm/17"

The Symbolism of Hanuman with Arms Spread Wide: A Deep Dive into Art and Iconography

The pose of Hanuman with arms spread wide continues to inspire artists and devotees alike.

It serves as a powerful reminder of the interplay between art and spirituality, where visual expression becomes a bridge to deeper understanding.

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Ganesh - Antique Thai Style Bronze Reclining Ganesha Statue w/Mouse - 55cm/22"

.The Pasha (Noose) in Hinduism: Symbolism, Deities, and Spiritual Significance

The Pasha is a powerful symbol in Hinduism, representing both bondage and the potential for liberation.

Through its association with different deities, the noose serves as a reminder of the importance of discipline, the inevitability of karma, and the path to spiritual enlightenment.

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