Latest News - Tara

Tara Statue - Antique Java Style Majapahit Seated Bronze Devi Tara Statue - 31cm/12"

The Symbolism of Tara Nyurma Pamo: A Deep Dive into Art and Iconography

Tara Nyurma Pamo, also known as the "Swift and Heroic Tara," is one of the 21 manifestations of Tara, a revered female bodhisattva in Buddhism.

Representing swiftness, energy, and the power to overcome obstacles, her imagery is rich with artistic and symbolic meaning that transcends spiritual practice and offers inspiration to artists and admirers alike.

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Tara Statue - Antique Tibet Style Seated Bronze Devi Tara Statue - 31cm/12"

Tara: The Compassionate Mother of Liberation in Tibetan Buddhism

Tara, the compassionate mother of liberation, stands as a luminous beacon of wisdom, compassion,...

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Tara Statue - Antique Java Style Majapahit Seated Bronze Devi Tara Statue - 18cm/7"

Devi Tara in Indonesia: A Reflection of Divine Femininity and Spiritual Significance

Devi Tara, the embodiment of compassion, wisdom, and divine femininity, holds a special...

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What Does Bodhisattva Mean?

What Does Bodhisattva Mean?

Whilst the concept varies throughout time, ‘bodhisattva’ ultimately refers to an individual who is on the way to becoming a Buddha.

Bodhisattvas are key in Buddhist iconography and are widely depicted in art and literature.

The ultimate destination of a bodhisattva is awakening, which is why the term literally translates to ‘one whose goal is awakening.’

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